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Phobias complete list

- A - (263 phobias) - B - (134 phobias) - C - (270 phobias) - D - (177 phobias) - E - (108 phobias) - F - (87 phobias) - G - (88 phobias) - H - (115 phobias) - I - (41 phobias) - J - (28 phobias) - K - (115 phobias) - L - (84 phobias) - M - (161 phobias) - N - (82 phobias) - O - (73 phobias) - P - (213 phobias) - Q - (21 phobias) - R - (49 phobias) - S - (188 phobias) - T - (158 phobias) - U - (10 phobias) - V - (52 phobias) - W - (31 phobias) - X - (20 phobias) - Y - (26 phobias) - Z - (33 phobias) | Total 2627 phobias
Anthophobia Fear of flowers. (branch of Botanophobia)
Anthroarachnophobia Fear of any creature possessing humanoid and arachnid-like properions.
Anthrodosophobia Fear of any animated character shaped like the number two . (branch of Kyrofelonoshophobia)
Anthropariophobia Fear of short people . (branch of Anthropophobia)
Anthrophobia Fear of flowers.
Anthropophagososphobia Fear of cannibals . (branch of Anthropophobia)
Anthropophobia Fear of people or society.
Anthrozoophobia Fear of furries . (branch of Anthropophobia)
Anticurlybracketophobia Fear of curly brackets {}.
Antikheirphobia Fear of thumbs.
Antipapyrophobia Fear of old paper.
Antlophobia Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia Fear of staying single.
Apartmentphobia Fear of apartments.
Apeirophobia Fear of infinity.
Aperiophobia Fear of infinity . (branch of Numerophobia)
Aphenphosmphobia Fear of being touched.
Aphobia Fear of asexuals . (branch of Anthropophobia)
Apionphobia Fear of pears . (branch of Cibophobia)
Apiphobia Fear of bees.
Apogoitefsiphobia Fear of disappointment . (branch of Animotophobia)
Apollymophobia Fear of destruction.
Apomisipokemonphobia Fear of fanmade pokemon.
Apostasiphobia Fear of distances.
Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations.
AppleTVaphobia Fear of Apple TV.
Applogrophinophobia Fear of being addictted to porn.
Aquamechanophobia Fear of machines that have to involve water . (branch of Submechanophobia)
Aquaphobia Fear of water.
Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Arachnephobia Fear of spiders.
Arachnohomophobia Fear of gay spiders.
Arachnophobia Fear of spiders.
Arachtophobia Fear of artificial intelligence.
Arakaphobia Fear of peas . (branch of Cibophobia)
Arcadephobia Fear of arcades.
Archeiothikiphobia Fear of file cabinets.
Archephobia Fear of being controlled.
Argentíniphobia Fear of Argentines.
Argentophobia Fear of silver . (branch of Metallophobia)

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