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Phobias complete list

- A - (263 phobias) - B - (134 phobias) - C - (270 phobias) - D - (177 phobias) - E - (108 phobias) - F - (87 phobias) - G - (88 phobias) - H - (115 phobias) - I - (41 phobias) - J - (28 phobias) - K - (115 phobias) - L - (84 phobias) - M - (161 phobias) - N - (82 phobias) - O - (73 phobias) - P - (213 phobias) - Q - (21 phobias) - R - (49 phobias) - S - (188 phobias) - T - (158 phobias) - U - (10 phobias) - V - (52 phobias) - W - (31 phobias) - X - (20 phobias) - Y - (26 phobias) - Z - (33 phobias) | Total 2627 phobias
Carnivalphobia Fear of fairs or mardi gras festivities . (branch of Heortophobia)
Carnophobia Fear of meat. (branch of Cibophobia)
Carpophobia Fear of wrists.
Cartilogenophobia Fear of bones.
Casadastraphobia Fear of falling into the sky.
Cashballphobia Fear of expensive baseballs . (branch of Baseballphobia / Athlemaphobia)
Cassettophobia Fear of cassette tapes.
Castlephobia Fear of castles.
Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed.
Catalanophobia Fear of the Catalans.
Catapedaphobia Fear of jumping from high and low places.
Catastolephobia Fear of repression or repressive culture/countries.
Catastrophobia Fear of disasters.
CatDogphobia Fear of CatDog . (branch of Kyrofelonoshophobia)
Cathedraphobia Fear of chairs (branch of Epiplaphobia / Oikophobia)
Cathisophobia Fear of sitting.
Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Cauponaphobia Fear of going to a restaurant.
Cedeiaphobia Fear of attending funerals . (branch of Gamocedeiaphobia)
Ceephobia Fear of getting c's in grades.
Celarophobia Fear of ceilings.
Celeformophobia Fear of constellations.
Cementophobia Fear of Cement and or Concrete and or other surface paving material.
Cenophobia Fear of new things or ideas.
Cenosilicaphobia Fear of empty glasses.
Centophobia Fear of new things or ideas.
Centumgigaphobia Fear of 100,000,000,000 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Centummegaphobia Fear of 100,000,000 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Centummillephobia Fear of 100,000 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Centumteraphobia Fear of 100,000,000,000,000 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Centumvigintiphobia Fear of 120 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Ceraunophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Ceraunophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Ceresphobia Fear of the dwarf planet Ceres.
Chaeophobia Fear of insecticide.
Chaetophobia Fear of hair.
Chapitgoephobia Fear of November.
Chapodiphobia Fear of octopi . (branch of Zoophobia)
Charakaphobia Fear of rulers.
Charaphobia Fear of joy . (branch of Animotophobia)

<<  1-40  41-80  81-120  121-160  161-200  201-240  241-280  >> 

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