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Phobias complete list

- A - (263 phobias) - B - (134 phobias) - C - (270 phobias) - D - (177 phobias) - E - (108 phobias) - F - (87 phobias) - G - (88 phobias) - H - (115 phobias) - I - (41 phobias) - J - (28 phobias) - K - (115 phobias) - L - (84 phobias) - M - (161 phobias) - N - (82 phobias) - O - (73 phobias) - P - (213 phobias) - Q - (21 phobias) - R - (49 phobias) - S - (188 phobias) - T - (158 phobias) - U - (10 phobias) - V - (52 phobias) - W - (31 phobias) - X - (20 phobias) - Y - (26 phobias) - Z - (33 phobias) | Total 2627 phobias
Hendecaphobia Fear of number 11 (branch of Numerophobia)
Henophobia Fear of number 1 (branch of Numerophobia)
Heortophobia Fear of [celebrating events].
Heptadecaphobia Fear of number 17 (branch of Numerophobia)
Heptaidekaphobia Fear of 17 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Heptaphobia Fear of number 7 (branch of Numerophobia)
Hereiophobia Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.
Heresyphobia Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.
Herophobia Fear of heroes.
Herpetophobia Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.
Hetaphobia Fear of H . (branch of Grammaphobia / Panophobia)
Heterophobia Fear of the opposite sex. (branch of Anthropophobia)
Hevimetaruphobia Fear of heavy metal music.
Hexadecaphobia Fear of number 16
Hexakosioihekkaidekaphobia Fear of number 616 (branch of Numerophobia)
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia Fear of the number 666.
Hexaphobia Fear of number 6 (branch of Numerophobia)
Hexekontadyophobia Fear of number 62 (branch of Numerophobia)
Hexekontenneaphobia Fear of number 69 (branch of Numerophobia)
Hibernicaphobia Fear of carpets (branch of Oikophobia)
Hidrophobia Fear of sweat.
Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things.
Hiphopphobia Fear of hip hop music.
Hippophobia Fear of horses. (branch of Domestozoophobia / Zoophobia)
Hippopotamophobia Fear of hippopotamuses . (branch of Zoophobia)
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Fear of long words.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Fear of long or complicated words . (branch of Logophobia)
Hiskophobia Fear of high school . (branch of Didaskaleinophobia)
Hispanophobia Fear of Hispanics.
Historophobia Fear of history.
Hleguphobia Fear of black lights.
Hmoshgophobia Fear of laundry.
Hnirshunphobia Fear of dirty dishes.
Hobophobia Fear of bums or beggars.
Hockeyphobia Fear of hockey.
Hodophobia Fear of road travel.
Hollywoodphobia Fear of Hollywood . (branch of Americanophobia)
Homedepotphobia Fear of The Home Depot.
Homerphobia Fear of Homer Simpson . (branch of Kyrofelonoshophobia)
Homichlophobia Fear of fog.

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