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Phobias complete list

- A - (263 phobias) - B - (134 phobias) - C - (270 phobias) - D - (177 phobias) - E - (108 phobias) - F - (87 phobias) - G - (88 phobias) - H - (115 phobias) - I - (41 phobias) - J - (28 phobias) - K - (115 phobias) - L - (84 phobias) - M - (161 phobias) - N - (82 phobias) - O - (73 phobias) - P - (213 phobias) - Q - (21 phobias) - R - (49 phobias) - S - (188 phobias) - T - (158 phobias) - U - (10 phobias) - V - (52 phobias) - W - (31 phobias) - X - (20 phobias) - Y - (26 phobias) - Z - (33 phobias) | Total 2627 phobias
Mathemaphobia Fear of mathematics.
Mathemophobia Fear of math.
Matrophobia Fear of your mother.
Matterphobia Fear of matter.
Mavrogatphobia Fear of black cats . (branch of Felinophobia / Domestozoophobia / Zoophobia)
McDonaldphobia Fear of Ronald McDonald . (branch of McDonaldsphobia or Kyrofelonoshophobia)
McDonaldsphobia Fear of McDonald's.
McQueenphobia Fear of Lightning McQueen . (branch of Kyrofelonoshophobia)
Mechanophobia Fear of machines.
Mediaphobia Fear of media.
Medomalacuphobia Fear of losing an erection.
Medorthophobia Fear of an erect penis.
Medousaphobia Fear of jellyfish . (branch of Zoophobia)
Mefitidaphobia Fear of skunks . (branch of Zoophobia)
Megalophobia Fear of large things.
Meganumerophobia Fear of large numbers (branch of Numerophobia)
Megaphobia Fear of the number 1,000,000 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Megaphonophobia Fear of megaphones.
Meglochunguphobia Fear of Big Chungus.
Melanoheliophobia Fear of black holes . (branch of Trypophobia)
Melanophobia Fear of the color black.
Meleagrisphobia Fear of turkey . (branch of Agerozoophobia / Domestozoophobia / Zoophobia)
Melissaphobia Fear of bees . (branch of Aerozoophobia / Zoophobia or Entomophobia)
Melissophobia Fear of bees.
Melophobia Fear or hatred of music.
Memeophobia Fear of memes.
Memephobia Fear of internet memes.
Meningitophobia Fear of brain disease.
Menophobia Fear of menstruation.
Mensamophobia Fear of desks (branch of Epiplaphobia / Oikophobia)
Mentaophobia Fear of mental things.
Mephitophobia Fear of skunks . (branch of Zoophobia)
Mercerophobia Fear of grocery stores.
Mercutiophobia Fear of mercutio.
Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied up.
Mestoselenophobia Fear of full moon . (branch of Selenophobia)
Metallophobia Fear of metal.
Metathesiophobia Fear of changes.
Metazodephobia Fear of metazodes.
Metazoibphobia Fear of humans and animals .

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