RO    EN    
Phobias complete list

- A - (263 phobias) - B - (134 phobias) - C - (270 phobias) - D - (177 phobias) - E - (108 phobias) - F - (87 phobias) - G - (88 phobias) - H - (115 phobias) - I - (41 phobias) - J - (28 phobias) - K - (115 phobias) - L - (84 phobias) - M - (161 phobias) - N - (82 phobias) - O - (73 phobias) - P - (213 phobias) - Q - (21 phobias) - R - (49 phobias) - S - (188 phobias) - T - (158 phobias) - U - (10 phobias) - V - (52 phobias) - W - (31 phobias) - X - (20 phobias) - Y - (26 phobias) - Z - (33 phobias) | Total 2627 phobias
Tribophobia Fear of tribes.
Tricentumphobia Fear of 300 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Trichinophobia Fear of trichinosis.
Trichopathophobia Fear of hair.
Trichophobia Fear of hair.
Tricyclophobia Fear of tricycles . (branch of Ochophobia)
Trigintiphobia Fear of 30 . (branch of Numerophobia)
Triskaidekaphobia Fear of the number 13.
Triskaphobia Fear of number 3 (branch of Numerophobia)
Tristophobia Fear of sorrow and sadness . (branch of Animotophobia)
Tritonphobia Fear of Neptune's moon Triton.
Tritophobia Fear of thirds . (branch of Numerophobia)
Trochophobia Fear of being on a truck or bus . (branch of Ochophobia)
Trokhophobia Fear of wheels.
Tromophobia Fear of terror . (branch of Animotophobia)
Trompetaphobia Fear of trumpets (branch of Gakkiphobia)
Tronicteliponitrianirikssiophobia Fear of feeling that your body is turned inside out (branch of Animotophobia)
Trophophobia Fear of trophies.
Tropophobia Fear of moving or making changes.
Trypanophobia Fear of injections.
Trypophobia Fear of small holes or irregular patterns
Trɛdnophobia Fear of electric razors.
Tsunamiphobia Fear of tsunamis (branch of Cymophobia or Seismophobia)
Tuberculophobia Fear of tuberculosis.
Tunbuphobia Fear of the word 'a'.
Tuochephobia Fear of tow trucks . (branch of Ochophobia)
Turbophobia Fear of tornadoes . (branch of Lilapsophobia)
Turcophobia Fear of the Turks.
Turophobia Fear of cheese . (branch of Cibophobia)
Turriphobia Fear of towers.
Tussaphobia Fear of coughing.
Tuxiphobia Fear of Saturn . (branch of Planitiphobia)
TVshowphobia Fear of TV shows.
Twitterphobia Fear of Twitter.
Tychophobia Fear of randomness
Tympanophobia Fear of drums (branch of Gakkiphobia)
Tyrannophobia Fear of tyrants.
Tɯdrophobia Fear of 3D movies.

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