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Phobias by categories

Anatomy (55)
Animal activities (2)
Animals (142)
Appliances (27)
Art (9)
Attribute (14)
Big numbers (18)
Biology (2)
Biomes (6)
Building assemblies (8)
Buildings or rooms (34)
Burial objects (12)
Calendar (28)
Cartoons (119)
Celestial bodies (45)
Chemicals (24)
Clothing (15)
Colors (15)
Companies (2)
Computers and Internet (26)
Disasters (7)
Diseases (93)
Emotional states (50)
Entertainment (32)
Entertainment devices (26)
Entertainment equipment (11)
Fantastic, imaginary (31)
Finance (9)
Food and drink (133)
Furniture (20)
Games (20)
General purpose equipment (10)
Generalities (49)
Geographical areas (6)
Geometry (12)
Grammar (8)
Holidays (15)
Hours (14)
Household objects and installations (71)
Human activities (77)
Human attributes (24)
Human physiology (69)
Hygiene (9)
Industrial machines (3)
Installations and equipment (49)
Interior design (5)
Kitchen accessories (5)
Legal issues (6)
Letters (30)
Lifestyle (2)
Light sources (10)
Literature (4)
Materials and raw materials (28)
Medical activities (41)
Movies (12)
Music (13)
Musical instruments (11)
Nations, ethnicities, peoples (99)
Natural calamities (8)
Numerology (47)
Office supplies (12)
People (145)
Philosophy (7)
Phobias (6)
Physical phenomena (44)
Pictures (5)
Places (57)
Plants (21)
Politics (13)
Press (2)
Religion (36)
School (24)
Science (26)
Scientific equipment (6)
Security systems (8)
Small numbers (66)
Social interactions (68)
Society games (8)
Space exploration technologies (3)
Sports (15)
Superstitions (3)
The animal kingdom (5)
Things and tools (43)
Time (9)
Toys (8)
Trademarks (15)
Transport accessories (4)
Unpleasant events (19)
Usual liquids (6)
Vehicles (68)
Waste (10)
Weapons (3)
Weather and climate (40)
Words (50)
Aircophobia Fear of air conditioners.
Anemistiraphobia Fear of fans.
AppleTVaphobia Fear of Apple TV.
Blenderphobia Fear of blenders.
Dishleprophobia Fear of dishwashers
Drogerphobia Fear of clothes dryers
Fooniphobia Fear of blow-dryers.
Fornaciphobia Fear of furnaces
Fournophobia Fear of ovens
Heizgephobia Fear of heaters
K2nqiphobia Fear of space heaters.
Kafetiphobia Fear of coffeemakers
Kilnphobia Fear of kilns.
Microvophobia Fear of microwave ovens
Mlafenphobia Fear of coffee grinders.
Nwumpophobia Fear of electric mixers.
Plyntiphobia Fear of washing machines
Printerphobia Fear of printers
Psygephobia Fear of refrigerators
Pumppuphobia Fear of sump pump
Reshuiqiphobia Fear of water heaters
Syskeviphobia Fear of appliances
Toasterphobia Fear of toasters
Trɛdnophobia Fear of electric razors.
Wlanophobia Fear of candy machines.
Xyrophobia Fear of razors.
Zuigerphobia Fear of vacuum cleaners.

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