Alphaphobia Fear of A .
Betaphobia Fear of B .
Cammaphobia Fear of C .
Deltaphobia Fear of D .
Epsilonphobia Fear of E .
Foxtophobia Fear of F .
Gammaphobia Fear of G .
Grammaphobia Fear of letters
Hetaphobia Fear of H .
Hoofdaphobia Fear of capital letters .
Iotaphobia Fear of I .
Jotaphobia Fear of J .
Kappaphobia Fear of K .
Koppaphobia Fear of Q .
Lambdaphobia Fear of L .
Lowcayphobia Fear of lowercase letters.
Muphobia Fear of M .
Nuphobia Fear of N .
Omicronphobia Fear of O .
Pipophobia Fear of P .
Qoppaphobia Fear of Q .
Rhophobia Fear of R .
Sigmaphobia Fear of S .
Tauphobia Fear of T .
Upsilonphobia Fear of U .
Victophobia Fear of V .
Wauphobia Fear of W .
Xinoaphobia Fear of X .
Yotaphobia Fear of Y .
Zetaphobia Fear of Z .