Arcadephobia Fear of arcades.
Boogieboardphobia Fear of boogieboards.
Bowerphobia Fear of bowers.
Camcorderphobia Fear of camcorders.
Cameraphobia Fear of cameras.
Cassettophobia Fear of cassette tapes.
Chionofysophobia Fear of snow blowers.
Clapperphobia Fear of the Clapper.
Dorngophobia Fear of plasma globes.
Earmuffphobia Fear of earmuffs.
Headphonophobia Fear of headphones.
Hrongyophobia Fear of lava lamps.
Jukeboxophobia Fear of jukeboxes.
Kifnaphobia Fear of drones.
Magnitofonophobia Fear of tape recorders.
Megaphonophobia Fear of megaphones.
P7crophobia Fear of jet skis.
Shijiphobia Fear of television sets
Telephonophobia Fear of telephones.
Tilecheiristiriophobia Fear of remote controls.
Videocassettophobia Fear of VHS tapes.
Vinylophobia Fear of vinyl records.
Vinylphobia Fear of scratching vinyl surfaces.
Ywaohuphobia Fear of slot machines.
Zloqingphobia Fear of paintball guns.
Zwuqiphobia Fear of squirt guns.