Acatoptrophobia Fear of seeing your reflection in something else than a mirror.
Achluophobia Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia Fear of noise.
Antanaklophobia Fear of reflections.
Apostasiphobia Fear of distances.
Arsonphobia Fear of fire.
Auroraphobia Fear of Northern lights.
Autovocalphobia Fear of hear owns voice.
Barophobia Fear of gravity.
Beepophobia Fear of beeping sounds.
Buzzophobia Fear of buzzing sounds.
Diathlasophobia Fear of refractions.
Dingophobia Fear of dinging sounds.
Electrophobia Fear of electricity.
Energyphobia Fear of energy.
Erythophobia Fear of redlights.
Hleguphobia Fear of black lights.
Jackboxophobia Fear of objects suddenly popping out of boxes.
Kymophobia Fear of waves.
Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises.
Lygophobia Fear of darkness.
Myctophobia Fear of darkness.
Naturophobia Fear of natural phenomena.
Nonamophobia Fear of blackout.
Nyctophobia Fear of the dark or of night.
Phengophobia Fear of daylight or sunshine.
Phonophobia Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones.
Photoaugliaphobia Fear of glaring lights.
Photophobia Fear of light.
Piptophobia Fear of falling.
Pyrophobia Fear of fire.
Radiophobia Fear of radiation, x-rays.
Ringophobia Fear of ringing sounds.
Sciaphobia Fear of shadows.
Sciophobia Fear of shadows.
Scotophobia Fear of darkness.
Sedatephobia Fear of silences,.
Sedetaphobia Fear of silence.
Selaphobia Fear of light flashes.
Strovophobia Fear of strobe lights.