Anachrophobia Fear of temporal displacement, from a Doctor Who novel by Jonathan Morris.
Apomisipokemonphobia Fear of fanmade pokemon.
Beonecropathophobia Fear of a zombie uprising.
Bigfootphobia Fear of Bigfoot.
Binksophobia Fear of Jar Jar Binks.
Biotriocularmechanophobia Fear of having a third cyborg eye attached to you.
Candymanphobia Fear of the candyman.
Casadastraphobia Fear of falling into the sky.
Chewiephobia Fear of Chewbacca.
Cryptossaultapuphobia Fear of Bigfoot being harassed.
Dontineraiphobia Fear of the Tooth Fairy.
Dracophobia Fear of dragons.
Fayophobia Fear of elves.
Hauntophobia Fear of haunted houses.
Kinemortophobia Fear of zombies.
Kleptwaifuophobia Fear of your waifus being stolen.
Kryptophobia Fear of cryptids.
Kryptozoophobia Fear of cryptids.
Mageiachaliphobia Fear of magic carpets.
Magikoravdiphobia Fear of magic wands.
Maleficiphobia Fear of malefactors.
Mercutiophobia Fear of mercutio.
Monokerophobia Fear of unicorns.
Neraidaphobia Fear of fairies.
Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts.
Sanguivoriphobia Fear of vampires.
Sephirothphobia Fear of Sephiroth.
Spectrophobia Fear of specters or ghosts.
Therianphobia Fear of therians.
Thesaurophobia Fear of treasure chests.
X-Menphobia Fear of X-men