Adiafanophobia Fear of opaque objects.
Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles.
Bleimpnophobia Fear of empty boxes.
Bonockophobia Fear of skeleton keys.
Bowphobia Fear of bows.
Cenosilicaphobia Fear of empty glasses.
Consecotaleophobia Fear of chopsticks.
Dachoingphobia Fear of power tools.
Dextrophobia Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
Drapanophobia Fear of drills.
Durumphobia Fear of hard objects.
Enetophobia Fear of pins.
Ergaleiophobia Fear of tools.
Ergaleophobia Fear of using tools.
Fakosphobia Fear of flashlights.
Flasciphobia Fear of bottles.
G4gophobia Fear of air horns.
Kampanaphobia Fear of bells.
Kanayaphobia Fear of chainsaws.
Karazportanoichtiriphobia Fear of garage door openers.
Kasoniphobia Fear of boxes.
Katsavidiphobia Fear of screwdrivers.
Kouvaphobia Fear of buckets.
Kremastraphobia Fear of coat hangers.
Levophobia Fear of things to the left side of the body.
Ligamentophobia Fear of ribbons.
Linonophobia Fear of string.
Markadorophobia Fear of markers.
Nlaiguphobia Fear of can openers.
Pactorbophobia Fear of CDs.
Pensophobia Fear of spray guns.
Plastophobia Fear of plastic bags.
Psalidiphobia Fear of scissors.
Sfyriphobia Fear of hammers.
Sinistrophobia Fear of things to the left or left-handed.
Sranduophobia Fear of crockpots.
Stickerphobia Fear of stickers.
Stylophobia Fear of pens.
Submechanophobia Fear of submerged man-made objects.