Abstracophobia Fear of abstract things.
Albumistaphobia Fear of lists.
Bandcamphobia Fear of Bandcamp.
Chayiphobia Fear of difference.
Clickphobia Fear of your Miis whispering.
Comitoophobia Fear of to be continued signs.
Controsoffittophobia Fear of counter tops  .
Counterphobia The preference by a phobic for fearful situations.
Diafanophobia Fear of transparent objects.
Diastimaphobia Fear of physical space.
Discordphobia Fear of Discord.
Dumasaphobia Fear of stupid things.
Duophobia Fear of pairs.
Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity.
Ethismosophobia Fear of addiction.
Fractophobia Fear of breaking things.
Inadspectusremphobia Fear of anything that's out of sight.
Lwuntophobia Fear of condominiums.
Megalophobia Fear of large things.
Mentaophobia Fear of mental things.
Metathesiophobia Fear of changes.
Microphobia Fear of small things.
Mollephobia Fear of soft objects.
Mycrophobia Fear of small things.
Nihiliphobia Fear of nothingness.
Nomiedophobia Fear of normies.
Omniphobia Fear of all and when you have every fear.
Orthophobia Fear of property.
Paliophobia Fear of old things.
Pamphobia Fear of an unknown cause.
Panophobia Fear of everything.
Panphobia Fear of all .
Pantophobia Fear of everything.
Phiphobia Fear of the golden ratio
Phobophobia Fear of phobias.
Physophobia Fear of physical things.
Polyphobia Fear of many things.
Pragmaticophobia Fear of reality.
Prosophobia Fear of progress.
Psichaphobia Fear of crumbs.