Ichthyosaurphobia Fear of ichthyosaurs .
Indikochoiridiophobia Fear of guinea pigs .
Insectophobia Fear of insects.
Isopterophobia Fear of termites, insects that eat wood.
Kagkourophobia Fear of kangaroos .
Kamilaphobia Fear of camels .
Kamilopardaliphobia Fear of giraffes .
Kanariniphobia Fear of canaries .
Kanmengphobia Fear of guard dogs .
Kastoraphobia Fear of beavers .
Katsaridaphobia Fear of cockroaches.
Kavouriphobia Fear of crabs .
Keraphobia Fear of horns.
Kerasophobia Fear of horns.
Khenphobia Fear of geese .
Kogiotphobia Fear of coyotes .
Kolimpriphobia Fear of hummingbirds .
Kotsyfiphobia Fear of blackbirds .
Krokodeilophobia Fear of crocodiles .
Kyknophobia Fear of swans .
Lemurphobia Fear of lemurs .
Leopardaliphobia Fear of leopards .
Leophobia Fear of lions .
Lepidopterophobia Fear of butterflies .
Lepidoptophobia Fear of flying insects .
Leporiphobia Fear of rabbits
Liontariphobia Fear of lions .
Llamaphobia Fear of llamas .
Lupophobia Fear of wolves .
Lutraphobia Fear of otters.
Mahidolamistakophobia Fear of mahi mahi .
Mammothphobia Fear of mammoths .
Medousaphobia Fear of jellyfish .
Mefitidaphobia Fear of skunks .
Meleagrisphobia Fear of turkey .
Melissaphobia Fear of bees .
Melissophobia Fear of bees.
Mephitophobia Fear of skunks .
Microbiophobia Fear of microbes.
Mottephobia Fear of moths.