Donkeykongphobia Fear of Donkey Kong .
Doraphobia (2) Fear of Dora the Explorer .
Dorothyphobia Fear of Dorothy Ann .
Dragonballphobia Fear of the anime Dragonball Z .
DWphobia Fear of DW Read .
Elmophobia Fear of Elmo .
Evilleafyphobia Fear of Evil Leafy .
Fernwaltersphobia Fear of Fern Walters .
Francinephobia Fear of Francine Frensky .
Frankensteinphobia Fear of Frankenstein .
Frizzlephobia Fear of Ms Frizzle .
Garfieldphobia Fear of Garfield .
Georgelundgrenphobia Fear of George Lundgren .
Goofyphobia Fear of Goofy .
Grandmathoraphobia Fear of Grandma Thora from Arthur .
Grandpadavephobia Fear of Grandpa Dave from Arthur .
Grokephobia Fear of the Groke .
Homerphobia Fear of Homer Simpson .
Ironmanphobia Fear of Iron Man .
Janereadphobia Fear of Jane Read from Arthur .
Janetperlsteinphobia Fear of Janet Perlstein .
Jennamorganphobia Fear of Jenna Morgan .
Keeshaphobia Fear of Keesha Franklin .
Kermitphobia Fear of Kermit the frog .
Kyrofelonoshophobia Fear of cartoon characters.
Leonardophobia Fear of Leonardo .
Lizphobia Fear from Liz from the Magic School Bus .
Luigiphobia Fear of Luigi .
Mariophobia Fear of Mario .
Materphobia Fear of Tow Mater .
McDonaldphobia Fear of Ronald McDonald .
McQueenphobia Fear of Lightning McQueen .
Meglochunguphobia Fear of Big Chungus.
Metazoidphobia Fear of the Metazoid (the Marvel monster).
Michelangelophobia Fear of Michelangelo .
Mickeyphobia Fear of Mickey Mouse .
Minniephobia Fear of Minnie Mouse .
Mortdecophobia Fear of Mort .
Muffyphobia Fear of Muffy Crosswire .
NightmareElmStreetphobia Fear of Freddy Krueger .