RO    EN    
Phobias by categories

Anatomy (55)
Animal activities (2)
Animals (142)
Appliances (27)
Art (9)
Attribute (14)
Big numbers (18)
Biology (2)
Biomes (6)
Building assemblies (8)
Buildings or rooms (34)
Burial objects (12)
Calendar (28)
Cartoons (119)
Celestial bodies (45)
Chemicals (24)
Clothing (15)
Colors (15)
Companies (2)
Computers and Internet (26)
Disasters (7)
Diseases (93)
Emotional states (50)
Entertainment (32)
Entertainment devices (26)
Entertainment equipment (11)
Fantastic, imaginary (31)
Finance (9)
Food and drink (133)
Furniture (20)
Games (20)
General purpose equipment (10)
Generalities (49)
Geographical areas (6)
Geometry (12)
Grammar (8)
Holidays (15)
Hours (14)
Household objects and installations (71)
Human activities (77)
Human attributes (24)
Human physiology (69)
Hygiene (9)
Industrial machines (3)
Installations and equipment (49)
Interior design (5)
Kitchen accessories (5)
Legal issues (6)
Letters (30)
Lifestyle (2)
Light sources (10)
Literature (4)
Materials and raw materials (28)
Medical activities (41)
Movies (12)
Music (13)
Musical instruments (11)
Nations, ethnicities, peoples (99)
Natural calamities (8)
Numerology (47)
Office supplies (12)
People (145)
Philosophy (7)
Phobias (6)
Physical phenomena (44)
Pictures (5)
Places (57)
Plants (21)
Politics (13)
Press (2)
Religion (36)
School (24)
Science (26)
Scientific equipment (6)
Security systems (8)
Small numbers (66)
Social interactions (68)
Society games (8)
Space exploration technologies (3)
Sports (15)
Superstitions (3)
The animal kingdom (5)
Things and tools (43)
Time (9)
Toys (8)
Trademarks (15)
Transport accessories (4)
Unpleasant events (19)
Usual liquids (6)
Vehicles (68)
Waste (10)
Weapons (3)
Weather and climate (40)
Words (50)
Ectomorphobia Fear of anorexia .
Emetophobia Fear of vomiting.
Febriphobia Fear of fever.
Fibriophobia Fear of fever.
Fibriphobia Fear of fever.
Helminthophobia Fear of being infested with worms.
Hydrophobophobia Fear of rabies.
Hylephobia Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.
Karkínophobia Fear of cancer.
Kefalalgiaphobia Fear of headaches .
Kynophobia Fear of rabies.
Lepraphobia Fear of leprosy.
Leprophobia Fear of leprosy.
Luiphobia Fear of lues, syphillis.
Lyssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad.
Maniaphobia Fear of insanity.
Meningitophobia Fear of brain disease.
Metazodephobia Fear of metazodes.
Nevophobia Fear of moles on skin.
Nosemaphobia Fear of becoming ill.
Nosomentophobia Fear of mental illness .
Nosophobia Fear of becoming ill.
Obesophobia Fear of obesity.
OCDphobia Fear of obsessive-compulsive disorder .
Oulinophobia Fear of scars.
Pandemophobia Fear of pandemic.
Panthophobia Fear of suffering and disease.
Pathophobia Fear of disease.
Pellagrophobia Fear of pellagra.
Phalacrophobia Fear of becoming bald.
Phthisiophobia Fear of tuberculosis.
Pnigerophobia Fear of choking of being smothered.
Pnigophobia Fear of choking of being smothered.
Poliosophobia Fear of contracting poliomyelitis.
Pruritophobia Fear of itches.
Psellismophobia Fear of stuttering.
Pyrexiophobia Fear of Fever.
Quadriplegiphobia Fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic.
Rectophobia Fear of rectum or rectal diseases.
Scabiophobia Fear of scabies.

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