Spousophobia Fear of your spouse.
Surdophobia Fear of deaf people.
Syngenesophobia Fear of relatives.
Tamiaphobia Fear of cashiers.
Teleiophobia Fear of adults .
Teratophobia Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.
Theistophobia Fear of theists.
Transphobia Fear of transgender people .
Transracephobia Fear of transrace people.
Vasiliaphobia Fear of kings.
Vasilissaphobia Fear of queens.
Vasilopoulaphobia Fear of princesses.
Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women.
Vitricophobia Fear of step-father.
Waifuphobia Fear of your maternal grandfather.
Waizuphobia Fear of your maternal grandmother.
Williamophobia Fear of William.
Wunephobia Fear of crazy people.
Xaderfophobia Fear of your cousin.
Xenophobia Fear of strangers or foreigners.
Yifuphobia Fear of your uncle that is your mother's brother-in-law.
Yimuphobia Fear of your aunt that is your mother's sister.
Zhoxiphobia Fear of children ages 6 to 10 years old.
Zufuphobia Fear of your paternal grandfather.
Zumuphobia Fear of your paternal grandmother.