RO    EN    
Phobias by categories

Anatomy (55)
Animal activities (2)
Animals (142)
Appliances (27)
Art (9)
Attribute (14)
Big numbers (18)
Biology (2)
Biomes (6)
Building assemblies (8)
Buildings or rooms (34)
Burial objects (12)
Calendar (28)
Cartoons (119)
Celestial bodies (45)
Chemicals (24)
Clothing (15)
Colors (15)
Companies (2)
Computers and Internet (26)
Disasters (7)
Diseases (93)
Emotional states (50)
Entertainment (32)
Entertainment devices (26)
Entertainment equipment (11)
Fantastic, imaginary (31)
Finance (9)
Food and drink (133)
Furniture (20)
Games (20)
General purpose equipment (10)
Generalities (49)
Geographical areas (6)
Geometry (12)
Grammar (8)
Holidays (15)
Hours (14)
Household objects and installations (71)
Human activities (77)
Human attributes (24)
Human physiology (69)
Hygiene (9)
Industrial machines (3)
Installations and equipment (49)
Interior design (5)
Kitchen accessories (5)
Legal issues (6)
Letters (30)
Lifestyle (2)
Light sources (10)
Literature (4)
Materials and raw materials (28)
Medical activities (41)
Movies (12)
Music (13)
Musical instruments (11)
Nations, ethnicities, peoples (99)
Natural calamities (8)
Numerology (47)
Office supplies (12)
People (145)
Philosophy (7)
Phobias (6)
Physical phenomena (44)
Pictures (5)
Places (57)
Plants (21)
Politics (13)
Press (2)
Religion (36)
School (24)
Science (26)
Scientific equipment (6)
Security systems (8)
Small numbers (66)
Social interactions (68)
Society games (8)
Space exploration technologies (3)
Sports (15)
Superstitions (3)
The animal kingdom (5)
Things and tools (43)
Time (9)
Toys (8)
Trademarks (15)
Transport accessories (4)
Unpleasant events (19)
Usual liquids (6)
Vehicles (68)
Waste (10)
Weapons (3)
Weather and climate (40)
Words (50)
Matrophobia Fear of your mother.
Mibliphobia Fear of your maternal aunt or uncle.
Mongoliphobia Fear of people with Down Syndrome.
Nefarophobia Fear of villains.
Nibliphobia Fear of your niece or nephew.
Nipiophobia Fear of toddlers .
Novercaphobia Fear of your step-mother.
Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs.
Odigoleoforeiouphobia Fear of bus drivers.
Odigotaxiphobia Fear of taxicab drivers.
Oratoparophobia Fear of speakers.
Orbophobia Fear of the world .
Otherkinphobia Fear of otherkin.
Papaphobia Fear of the Pope.
Pappoudephobia Fear of your grandparents.
Pappousophobia Fear of your grandfather.
Parthenophobia Fear of virgins or young girls.
Patrophobia Fear of your father.
Patruusphobia Fear of your paternal uncle.
Pedophobia Fear of children.
Peladophobia Fear of bald people.
Pentheraphobia Fear of mother-in-law.
Peregrinophobia Fear of strangers.
Pibliphobia Fear of your aunt or uncle.
Pilotophobia Fear of aircraft pilots.
Politiphobia Fear of salespeople.
Prigkipaphobia Fear of princes.
Puellaphobia Fear of girls .
Puerophobia Fear of boys .
Pyrosvestisphobia Fear of firefighters.
Ribliphobia Fear of your niece, nephew, aunt or uncle.
Scelerophobia Fear of bad men, burglars.
Servitorphobia Fear of waiters and waitresses.
Sexophobia Fear of the opposite sex.
Sexualsphobia Fear of sexuals .
Sibliphobia Fear of your sibling.
Soceraphobia Fear of parents-in-law.
Sociophobia Fear of society or people in general.
Sororophobia Fear of your sister.
Spoudastophobia Fear of your student.

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